NSW Government launches consultation on reforming regulations for offsite-constructed and manufactured homes

Survey opened and submissions accepted for regulating offsite constructed and manufactured homes in NSW.

The NSW Government announced last week their intention to reform building laws to include offsite constructed (pre-fabricated) and manufactured homes.

According to Government sources, “Part of this overall consultation, we are proposing new building regulations for pre-fabricated and manufactured homes. This will provide better protection for homeowners and improve building quality.”

The proposed reforms are a reflection of the broader shift towards the NSW Government seeking to increase confidence in their building and construction industry.

The survey and submissions are targeted at owner-builders, builders, specialist tradespeople, engineers, building designers, architects, developers, certifiers, inspectors, fire safety practitioners and building product suppliers and manufacturers.

“Whether you work in building and construction or are a member of the public, if you have an opinion on the building industry in NSW, we want to hear from you.”

There are two online surveys available to complete; a single survey, or an ‘all-in-one’ survey which allows the respondent to be selective in their responses.

Written submissions are also available which allows the respondent to give detailed feedback or respond directly to the questions in the regulatory impact statements.

The consultation closes Friday 25 November 2022.

See: haveyoursay.nsw.gov.au/regulating-prefabricated-homes

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