Australian prefabricated chancery awarded to Procore

Offsite constructed chancery destined for Nigeria

New Chancery, Head of Mission Residence and support facilities to be offsite constructed and shipped to Abuja, Nigeria.

Based in Oxford Falls, NSW, CC Pines have successfully tendered for the offsite construction of Australia’s new Chancery for Nigeria. (main pic: Australia’s offsite-constructed Moroccan chancery.)

According to Government sources, the estimated capital expenditure/total value of the project is $31,500,000.

Design of the project will continue through to April 2023, and offsite construction is expected to commence from January 2023 with the modules being fitted out in Australia and then progressively shipped to Nigeria for reassembly onsite.

The Nigerian works to construct inground services and building foundations will predominantly be done by Nigerian resources under supervision of the Australian Head Contractor.

It follows on from their successful delivery solution (not the offsite construction) of the new chancery for Rabat, Morocco, which consisted of 15 prefabricated building modules.

According to CC Pines: “CC Pines design team “cracked the code” by developing a design solution capable of obtaining the ISO Container Certification, which allowed the whole building to be fully fitted internally, including all services. Then, the building modules were split and shipped as a standard shipping container. CC Pines provided the Client with a design solution that can be replicated and scaled up or down for future projects across the globe.”

Read Built Offsite story about the Moroccan chancery HERE


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